Ty Prince Restaurant

Boisson et café offerts* pour la clientèle professionnelle de l'hôtel Le Beauséjour

Complimentary drink and coffee

For the professional clientele of the hotel and for any order of a menu (22 €) in the evening (except at weekends), the restaurant "TY PRINCE (3mn walk from the hotel) offers you your drink (1/4 wine and / or beer) and coffee.

Beautiful atmosphere and warm welcome from Sophie and Julien

Hotel opening hours
Check in
15:00 - 20:00
8:00 - 11:00

From 8h to 10h30

Hôtel - Le Beauséjour

21 rue de la Corniche
22430 ERQUY

Tel: +33 (0)2 96 72 30 39